Human Resources
Experience in a range of organisations in roles of Human Resource Manager, can provide clients surety that Contemporary Human Resource practices are available to your organisation. From drafting your HR strategy, interventions and measures of performance to managing a performance issue, all can be addressed appropriate to size and complexity of issue or organisation.
Industrial Relations
As part of an organisations review for effectiveness the industrial instruments by which we pay and provide benefits to our employees are integral. You may seek Bennett Consulting to only provide a research facility for efficiency measures, or benchmarking salaries or you may prefer the assistance of a drafted negotiation plan. Services of a varying nature are available.
Business Transformation
The current challenges for organisations is the balance of maintaining staff in tough times whilst simultaneously ensuring a sustainable business.

Bennett Consulting can show you or coach your own teams how to constantly review your organisation’s health. Tools and techniques provided.

Sound Management practices that are understood, simple to use, designed according to organisations culture, have clarity about accountabilities will assist in any change management program.

We can provide services in all three streams from analysis to implementation and/or drafting of interventions. Services include coaching and facilitation for transfer of knowledge, tools and methodologies mapped to ensure transparency, clarity and simplicity for ease of use by employees.
Otherwise we can provide the full range of services.